Una nueva biblioteca

Last month we learned that the Cielo school was congratulated by the supervisor of the Department of Education, saying that it has become one of the better prepared schools in the area of Bayona (the district where Cielo and Nazaret are located). They pointed out that in order to be complete, it needed a library. Thankfully, we had one of the best spaces in mind!

Para 15 años, the third floor of the Cielo School served as a gathering space for the Evangelical Church of Cielo and other school and community events. As the church relocated to their new location, we had the opportunity to reimagine the use of that space.

The timing was in God’s perfect design.

We are grateful to Susan Simpson (Winston-Salem, Carolina del Norte) and other volunteers who are leading the way to equip our young learners with new resources and a space to celebrate reading. This week, we received the first shipment of books and are seeing this vision come to life as shelves become filled!


A shipment to get us started!

A shipment to get us started!

Getting it ready!

Getting it ready!

