Dec 2011

December 2011

Dear Friends,


How do you describe Mission Emanuel’s impact on one family in our village of Cielo? Here is a picture of Miriam Ramirez, her five-year old daughter, Ashley and her one-year old son, Daniel. With them is Ashley’s sponsor, Martha Lewis from Orlando.

In October, our group donated and delivered a badly needed bed, food and other household items. As a follow-up, one of our October participants donated a crib, a stove, and a refrigerator. In November, Anne Hayden Wray asked her school class to come to her 15th birthday party. Instead of gifts, the students were asked to bring donations of money for food clothing and other necessities for the Ramirez family. WOW !! A video has been made of the delivery of these gifts and can be seen on youtube at “Christmas Comes Early” at Of course, they already receive our pure Provisión del Cielo water. The children also receive medical and dental care at our Medical Center. And . . . YOU WERE THERE FOR ALL OF IT! Through your prayers and financial gifts, you are standing there with us.

As the year is closing quickly, our deficit is $40,000. To me, that sounds like a lot, and frankly, causes our Board and staff to ask ourselves some hard questions. Where can we cut back? What ministry do we close? What staff must we lay off? These questions are disturbing, but we want to be faithful to our calling and also be good stewards of every donation God provides through you.

Please consider a special one-time, year-end gift that will enable us to continue to reach out to families like the Ramirez family and others that are the least, the lost and the left-out that God sends our way.

Merry Christmas,





Jack Larson
Executive Director
Mission Emanuel