Mission Emanuel’s ultimate goal is transformation.
“Anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone: a new life has begun!”
~ 2 Corinthians 5:17
Mission Emanuel’s ultimate goal is to come alongside those that are in need and show them the love that the father has for them. Not a handout but a hand up. Transforming them into the people God intended them to be! Our work in transformation happens on four levels: spiritual, physical, social, and mental.
“Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”Jesus (in John 8:32)
This verse is emblazoned on the national crest (and flag) of the Dominican Republic as a hope for this nation! We share in this hope and desire that the people of Cielo and the Americans that join in with the work here will come to know Christ and his salvation.
- Cielo Evangelical Church
- Discipleship Groups – currently running a girls discipleship group
- Spiritual Counseling
- Annual Men’s Outreach
- Haitian Evangelical Church
“But the crowds found out where He was going, and they followed Him. He welcomed them and taught them about the kingdom of God and He healed those who were sick” – Luke 9:11 (referring to Jesus’s ministry)
Homes – built 53+ homes for needy families.
Medical – Mary Lynch Budd Children’s Clinic, Pete Armstrong Dental Clinic, and our state-of-the-art Physical Therapy Clinic – all now in partnership with the (ADR) Asscociation Dominican Rehabilitation, including early intervention for children 1-6 years and Universidad Odontologica Dominicana
Provisión del Cielo – water filtration plant providing clean water to the community at large reducing water-bourne disease’s by 80%.
“Therefore whenever we have the opportunity, we should do good to everyone-especially to those in the family of faith.” -Apostle Paul (in Galatians 6:10)
We believe that healthy relationships will broaden the impact of our mission of Dominicans and Americans serving together. In every project, we hope this partnership reflects trust and cooperation.
- If we build a home, we pray for and share in each family’s story.
- If a child is sponsored, we help the sponsor connect with the family.
- If we walk through the neighborhood, we meet neighbors, play with children and ask how we can pray for each other.
This is what it means to for us to cherish community and celebrate life…and thus bring goodness into every relationship.
“You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.” Jesus (in Matthew 22:37)

Elementary school in the Nazaret community
Our hope is that the children of Cielo will be given every opportunity to excel in life and that begins with an education. Our sponsorship program includes children from pre-school through high school.
- Education – foundation for the ministry – will be the driving force to change lives
- Counseling – Trained counselors from ADR
- English class – currently running our ESL program
- Discipleship – College and Leadership training, theology seminars, mentoring