ME’s first marriage retreat
Dominican Couples gathered for a weekend marriage retreat at Mission Emanuel, led by Kent and Michelle Sterchi. In partnership with a marriage ministry in Charlotte, NC, Two Becoming One, each couple was challenged to move from a “performance-based” marriage to a “faith-based” marriage! The retreat sessions focused on what the “Author of Marriage” teaches us about how to become “one” in our marriages. We covered topics like, Leaving and Cleaving, God’ s Purposes for Marriage, the important role of the Holy Spirit, Headship and Submission, Communication and Practicing A Lifestyle of Forgiveness. Following each of the 5 teaching sessions, couples shared in a “couples connection” time, where couples experienced deeper communication, learned about each other’s love language, wrote letters of blessing, worked through conflict and experienced reconciled marriages, all covered in prayer!!
On Sunday, many testimonies were shared of how God had brought healing and fresh vision to each marriage. We shared in the Lords Supper together and all recommitted themselves to their wedding vows. It was a powerful time for all, and now, many couples small groups will be forming, using an 8-week study, 2 Becoming 1, that will draw each couple deeper in their understanding of how to live together as one and reflect the image of God to the world!!
We praise God for all He did and hope to return and spread the love even more!!