Stories from Summer Staff 2017

Summer Staff and friends

This year, the Summer Staff, along with all their responsibilities of helping run projects, devoted themselves to studying and applying (the hard part ��) the Beatitudes from Matt. 5:3-10. These words from

Oswald Chambers’ devotional, “My Utmost for His Highest,” states it best:

“…The literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount is child’s play; the interpretation by the Spirit of God as He applies Our Lord’s statements to our circumstances is the stern work of a saint….it is a statement of the life we will live when the Holy Spirit is getting His way with us.”
What an incredible job they did at learning this and allowing Christ to be formed in them through His Word and letting Jesus lead the way. Many lives were changed for His glory because of this…especially the lives of these amazing Summer Staff students! We were blessed to serve along side them.
~ Cindy Sweeney, Director of Child Sponsorship and Summer Staff

Nicolette and her sponsor child, Vayolett

Every moment in the DR is one spent building a new relationship, but when coming down as a Summer Staffer, I think I underestimated the opportunities to continue ones that were previously made. Choosing a sponsor child in March, and being able to meet her and the family before leaving, was essential to creating the foundation for this connection. However, the first time I saw her this Summer instilled an entirely new feeling knowing that I had contributed to her schooling and could now grow this relationship. Through Mission Emanuel, the sponsorship program allows kids to fulfill long term goals through education. When we toured the Nazaret school on my first trip here, I was overwhelmed to tears at the hope it brought. At only 3 years old, Vayolett may not understand the future we are investing in for her together, but I want her to always believe that with God, the possibilities are endless. Serving on Summer Staff continuously reminds me that, even as a junior in college, every moment of growing up can be used for the Lord and the good of His kingdom.
~ Nicolette DeLorenzo, Wake Forest University student reflecting on her time on Summer Staff

Kirsten with a friend in Cielo

Serving on summer staff this year has been an incredible experience. I’ve faced challenges that have allowed me to grow in my faith and have equipped me to become a better leader, friend, and follower of Christ. Despite being physically and emotionally strenuous at times, this summer has been so full of joy and fun. As a staff, we’ve all grown so close to one another. Some of my favorite memories are the times we’ve spent in the corner suite talking and laughing together. To me the theme that best summarizes my time in the DR this summer is love. My passion for mission work and showing Christ’s love to impoverished communities has grown immensely, as well as my desire to truly love every person I encounter throughout my life. I’ve witnessed so many people showing Christ-like love to one another, whether it’s the Americans from one of the groups playing with a Dominican child or staff sacrificing their comfort for the well-being of the groups on the ground; it has been so beautiful to watch Christ work through me and the rest of summer staff to be His hands and feet to the people of Cielo and so many others we’ve interacted with.

~ Kirsten Schleicher, on her first time as a Summer Staffer

Carter Rief, Summer Staff leader

While preparing to serve on Summer Staff for my second time, I remember feeling incredibly excited to be able to see the growth of the mission. It had been three years since I had last been in Cielo and taken a guagua (bus) up the hill to the mission, three years since I had last heard the high-pitched screams of “Americano! Americano!” as I walked to the construction site of the week, and three years since I had last gotten to lay a block that ended up being so crooked that it prompted ChiChi to come over and graciously correct my error. I must say that even three weeks on the ground this summer has not completely changed my block-laying skills for the better, but so much more has changed around Mission Emanuel that makes this place so special for me and for many others. It has been awesome to see the Dominican staff truly to begin to take ownership of what is going on in their community. Three years ago I remember laying block beside Carlos and Dorca, both of whom served as translators when needed for groups that came down. Now, I barely get to see Carlos as he now serves as the Director of Operations for the mission, and Dorca works in the sponsorship office in assisting the ever-growing number of sponsor students who are now choosing to go to on to college. This is truly just a glimpse of the growth of Mission Emanuel over the past three years, and I consider myself privileged to be able to serve alongside the Dominican staff, American staff, Summer Staff, and every group that comes down to this special community. Growth happens when we let God sow the seeds, and the branches of this ministry are beginning to reach into some amazing places.

~ Carter Rief, Wofford College student on his second time on Summer Staff

A note from the Executive Director, Jim Sweeney:
At Mission Emanuel, we are so thankful for the wonderful missionaries that ventured to the Dominican Republic this summer! Enduring the heat and random rain showers, they gave of their lives and resources to accomplish great things for the Lord.
Our friends from Florida Hospital Sharing Smiles helped us substantially get our dental clinic more sustainable. With our construction crews, we were able to get two families into new homes that will withstand the strong winds that come with tropical storms. They will no longer have to worry about leaks in the roof or cracks in the walls. We are also close to getting two more families into their homes!
We hope that it will only be until October that they have to wait. What is it that you are waiting for? Where have you put your hope? Open questions that only you can answer. My hope is that you are putting your hope in the Lord just as these families have. So…what are you waiting for?

Join us for our Annual Fall Open Trip
October 14-21, 2017!
For more information, contact us at or call/text 336.794.6871.