Joy and hope for flood victims

New mattresses and bed frames for flood victims

Joy and Hope are the only words I could think of when I saw them. Their faces said it all, the excitement, the smiles, the look in their eyes…that was all. I keep thinking about the young mother who shouted being outside while walking out beside the two men that were carrying her new bed as she said, “Thank you God because you don’t forget about me! Thank you because you are good!”

The name of the God was glorified, it was glorified by this woman because of what you made possible. Christ was glorified through you.
2 Thessalonians 1:12 (NIV): We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
God is good and He will always be good. Thank you for showing his love, may God bless you and keep you and pour out great blessings upon your life.
2 Thessalonians 1:3 (NIV): We ought always to thank God for you, brothers and sisters, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love all of you have for one another is increasing.
~ Emmanuel Corsino, Director of Family Ministries

Bags of food to accompany the new beds

Ney (ME Staff) and a recipient of a new bed

All smiles from this family

Flood victims and ME staff

New chairs were also provided

Loading the mattresses

The Cielo campus is a loading dock for the day

THANK YOU FOR DONATING $5765 to help these families!
We are overwhelmed by God’s goodness shown through your generosity.

A note from the Executive Director, Jim Sweeney:
Our Director of Family Ministries, Emmanuel Corsino, praises God for the response of Love! This is pure music to my ears! Praise God that we have a Community Center that is large enough to be a staging area for such emergencies! Thank you for showing these people that they are not forgotten victims. This is just one example of how the Mission Emanuel community is impacting Cielo and Nazaret. Every day, there are other victims of sickness and disease that just as desperately need your help. Our medical clinic is in need of funding. We are on the verge of completing our certification with the National Health Department. This will bring us one step closer to being sustainable. Thank you for joining us in this work of Jesus!